The work carried out by CAF T&E in the Intelligent Innovative Smart Maintenance of Assets by Integrated Technologies (INS2SMART 2) programme was presented in Milan on 9 November. During the closing event, our professionals presented the work that had been performed over the course of the past three years to develop an optimal design for a tram Depot serving as the basis for good practices and decision-making with regards to maintenance asset management.
This project was carried out under the Building Information Modelling (BIM) method to facilitate performing various simulations and obtaining data from the model in order to compare the design with a real structure using KPIs whereby conclusions can be drawn with regards as to whether or not the design decisions provide tangible advantages such as maintenance time saving, lower electricity consumption or water re-use, amongst others.
Working in a BIM environment, the information compiled in the daily work is of use for the overall development of projects of this type, whilst also expediting responses to any modifications that the client might make in relation to the initial design.
The knowledge acquired will also serve towards achieving more sustainable designs in terms of optimisation, as well as providing the possibility to work in a collaborative digital environment - by using standard codes and establishing efficient procedures.
Developing an optimal depot design comes in response to the growing demand for the construction and remodelling of these types of railway infrastructures. The work carried out will allow for professionals to work using a series of tried and tested criteria that have been identified as best practices by which to minimise any risks associated with these types of constructions and to provide dynamic solutions under different circumstances.
The work carried out by CAF T&E forms part of the first European Shift2Rail technological initiative within the Horizonte 2020 programme which endeavours to improve the European rail network; provide greater quality and reliability in terms of passenger services and safety, and also to reduce operating life costs.